A green and white logo for the certified information privacy professional.The 21st century and the last hundred years have seen the most technological advancement in all of recorded history. With the countless advantages and simplicity that have been created through new technologies come just as many new issues and problems that need solving. Probably the most significant change of all has been the rise of the internet and the capabilities to share and learn virtually anything through the internet and computers. This particular advantage comes with a significant risk as well; people and businesses have come to depend on computers for just about every aspect of life.

It is for this reason that backing up and protecting important and significant information is essential for just about every business. However, the techniques and procedures for doing this vary in cost and scope, and not every technique is right for every budget or unique business need. No matter which technique you decide on, the most important step is making sure that you are at least doing something in order to backup your important business documents.

Data is an Asset

Nobody plans for a rainy day, and disasters are not usually predictable so you can’t afford to wait around to backup your data. If a hurricane or earthquake destroyed your building tomorrow, could you afford to lose your clients’ sensitive data? How about your invoices or marketing research? For some businesses, data and intellectual property can be the most important and valuable resource that business has.

Onsite vs Offsite Backup

Having a backup for your important data and files is a good first step, but all types of backup are not created equal. While there is nothing wrong with backing up information onsite, there is a significant advantage to having offsite backup as well. Below are a few reasons why offsite backup is necessary:

  • Easy Access: Many people want to have their physical backups in house because it makes it easier to access. While this can be a valid point, it is important to have your backup offsite as well in case of an unpredictable event like a hurricane or a fire. If your entire backup is in the same building, then your important information is still at risk.
  • Protect against internal threats: In addition to unforeseen disasters in the environment, there are internal company related risks as well. Disgruntled or ethically gray employees are a reality in the 21st century. While we all hope to never encounter personnel issues in this way, it is always good to be prepared just in case.
  • Multiple levels of security: Even without the threat of natural disaster or employee issues, if all of your eggs are in one basket then you are still at risk. Just like you would diversify a stock portfolio, having multiple places to backup your information reduces the risk of permanently losing anything.

Various Backup Techniques

Depending on the size of your business, budget, and storage needs, there are multiple techniques that are available to you for protection. If you are a smaller business, it might not make financial sense to invest in a server or extra space specifically for storage of physical documents. With an information management company, economies of scale allows for a cheaper alternative to information storage.

Also, unless your business has a dedicated IT department, protecting your sensitive information can be costly and difficult to do. An important part of information management is encrypting your backup data to prevent identity theft, industrial espionage, and legal privacy issues. Make sure that you contact a professional and reputable information management company to consult with how to meet your unique budget and needs while following the laws surrounding information storage.